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Custom software is also known as bespoke, which brings to mind a tailor-made suit. Just as a custom-made suit is more expensive than an average suit off the rack, custom-designed software has a higher price tag than ready-made or commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS). However, a bespoke suit has a far better fit than any store-bought suit; likewise, bespoke software designed by a Software Development Company can be a much better fit for a company's needs than COTS software.

Custom software is designed by Software Development companies to serve many different purposes. Large companies in particular use custom software for functions like content management, inventory management, customer management, and human resource management, among others. Amazon's e-commerce platform is one example of a custom design. The interface and functionality are uniqe to that business, making it part of the company's brand identity.

Despite a high up-front cost, custom software can end up being cost efficient in the long run. Because it is designed to meet your company's specific needs, it can make your work flow more smoothly and save your employees time. You won't spend money on functionalities you won't use. Moreover, COTS software may not represent as much cost savings as you think. When you factor in the cost of training, hardware upgrades, regular software upgrades and maintenance, the cost of COTS software can add up over time.

The high cost of custom software goes into the design process, which involves needs assessment, planning, development, testing, and quality assurance. A it software development company company will work intensively with clients to make sure the project fits both the business and IT needs of the company. When software is made to work with the hardware you already have, it gives you a long-term cost advantage.

Another benefit of custom software is that your employees should need very little training compared to COTS software. A custom design fits into your existing business processes, serving as an extension or simplification of tasks your employees are already doing. Commercial software will have a more foreign feel, and employees will need time getting up to speed.

A Software Development Melbourne company can design a unique interface that can make your brand recognizable to customers, and it can design software that is very specifically targeted to your company's needs. By streamlining your business's data management, e-commerce, or whatever aspect of business its designed for, custom software can give a solid return on investment in the long run.