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Businesses need to give printed box packaging materials to transport their purchases home. Companies also have to pack orders that are mailed to customers so they get to them safely. That is a lot of packaging going out the door every day. Why not spend just a little more to have all that packaging custom printed with the business name and contact information. If the information is attractively displayed, it can act as another form of advertising for the business.

Companies such as Howard Packaging, LLC offer packaging solutions including custom printed packaging, custom packaging, sustainable packaging, and packaging made from recycled materials. The tissue paper, bags, and boxes can be custom printed with contact information or company logos in attractive designs and colors. Using custom printed packaging can increase the image and marketing potential of a business. These custom packaging solutions set a business apart from their competition showing customers that they are willing to go that one step further.

Using custom printed packaging does not have to be expensive. Howard packaging has an extensive free printing plate program that helps customers get started with custom printed bag programs with no up-front printing plate costs. This company has been helping customers design and implement custom packaging for fifty years. They also offer free sample kits and catalogs to prospective customers. Combining packaging and marketing can be very cost effective for companies with small marketing budgets.

Businesses such as retail shops, mail order suppliers, food service carry out, and restaurants can all benefit from custom packaging that acts as marketing. Custom packaging companies can make packaging that is the perfect size and shape for unique products. They can also use recycled paper bags and tissue paper to help customers who want to present a greener footprint to their customers. What a great marketing tool to be able to tell customers that the attractive tissue and bag they are carrying their purchase home in is made of recycled materials. This sustainable packaging keeps material out of landfills by reusing it in packaging material.

This industry leader in the design and manufacture of custom printed packaging materials, tailor fits every order to meet their customer's packaging and marketing needs. Think of a shopping bag that is made of recycled materials and is so attractive that the customer uses it for other shopping over a period of time. Each time the bag is used, it advertises the business printed on it. For more information, please go to the website.