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The Internet abounds with examples of bad resumes. You never want to click on a seemingly funny "World's Worst Resumes" list and find your resume on it! Writing a great resume takes time and practice. overseas consultancy in hyderabad Make a good first impression by avoiding these simple but very damaging resume mistakes.

Trying To Be Funny

There is a time and a place to be funny and your resume is definitely not one of them. Human resource managers have limited time to find the employees they need. They do dareer not have time to sort through your jokes, graphics or humorous exaggerations to find out what you really mean. Just stick to the facts, please. Contact APEX Career Services today to see what these facts should be.

Trying To Be Completely Honest

We have all done some pretty cringe-worthy things in the past. We do not have to report all of these mistakes on the resume. For example, do not write about anything to do with illegal activities. Avoid writing about any job you may have had in the past that even hints at illegal activities. Let's say you once spent a summer working for a charity, only to later discover that the charity was a scam. You did not know that you were doing anything wrong but the "charity's" name has received very bad press. Any HR manager researching your past will not have a good opinion of you fund raising for that scam charity. If you have questions on what to include and what not to include on your job history, it's best to consult with Professional Resume Writers.

Trying To Force A Response

Some job seekers become so discouraged by never hearing back from companies that they resort to pretty sneaky means to get a response back. One seeker would cruise the obituaries and apply to jobs of people who had recently died. He also mentioned his research in order to show how smart he was. All he received was glaring silence and copies of his resume and cover letter (with his personal information blacked out) pasted all over the Internet.

In Conclusion

Trying to be different or sarcastic or quirky on your resume may get you a moment of fame on the Internet but it will not get you a job. You need to stick to the facts and be brief. Writing a winning resume is an art and even the most successful people benefit from hiring Certified Professional Resume Writers.